DIY Coconut Based Cannabis Oil? Stop, Rethink and Opt for Quality

Most DIY concoctions will recommend using coconut oil. Coconut oil is a great oil in its own right, however, when it comes to treating diseases with medical cannabis. We promote the use cannabis oil concentrates with MCT as a carrier liquid for to ensure quality, consistency as well as absorbing and assimilate the cannabis into one’s body at ease.
Oct 02, 2017
Cannabis 101

The use of the Internet as a source of medical information has become increasingly popular as more patients “go online.” Access to large amounts of medical information is available through an estimated 20,000 to 100,000 health-related web sites.

It is no surprise that thousands of online surfers turns to ‘do it yourself’ aka DIY methods to make their own medical cannabis oils. Numerous internet sites and Youtube videos will show you step by step how to make your own oil. Question is, how smart is it to treat serious ailments and diseases with a DIY project at home or buying oils made in someone else’s backyard or kitchen?

Downgrade To Coconut Cannabis Oil

Most DIY concoctions will recommend using coconut oil. Coconut oil is a great oil in its own right, howerver, when it comes to treating diseases with medical cannabis. We promote the use cannabis oil concentrates with MCT as a carrier liquid for to ensure quality, consistency as well as absorbing and assimilate the cannabis into one’s body at ease. “MCTs” are medium-chain triglycerides, also called “MCFAs” for medium-chain fatty acids. The difference between MCT oil and coconut oil is that coconut oil certainly has MCTs in it, concentrated MCT oil is almost entirely MCTs.

Its impossible to accurately dose coconut oils with no consistency. With DIY coconut based cannabis oil, the user will run into challenges to dose correctly when the coconut becomes hard at room temperature. MCT oil will not get hard, which enables the user to dose safely every time.

With DIY coconut based cannabis oil, the technique doesn’t allow you to make medicine high in CBD nor THCA.

Coconut oil is not 100% pure MCTs, which means it is not 100% absorbable. Coconut oil is roughly 60% MCTs. Broken down, it is:

  • Lauric acid, 45%
  • Caprylic acid, 7%
  • Capric acid, 6%

The tricky thing is that not everyone can efficiently break down fat, even coconut oil, even though it is easy to digest in comparison to other fats.

The reason for that is, in order to digest fat, the body needs to be able to produce healthy bile. Bile helps you to digest fat and promotes the secretion of pancreatic enzymes that further break down fat. In order to do this, we need a healthy liver and gallbladder.

Unlike long-chain triglycerides, that are difficult for the body to digest, medium-chain fats found in coconut oil and palm oil are sent directly to the liver, where they are used as energy. However, as we learned, only 60% of these fats may be absorbed, or even fewer if we are not digesting fat well.

Upgrade to MCT

One of the best ways to effortlessly absorb these medicinal medium-chain fats like caprylic acid and capric acid is with 100% pure MCT oil. The medical cannabis MCDSA endorses uses MCT oil made from coconut and palm oil. This product is unique and different than straight coconut or palm oil, because it’s fractionated. This fractionation process separates the MCTs from the coconut fat, making it 100% absorbable.

As mentioned, if we are not digesting our fats well, we won’t be able to utilize this otherwise very powerful cannabis oil. That’s what makes MCT oil so great! It is a direct fuel supply even for those with poor fat digestion. For those who have great digestion, it simply puts the digestive system at ease and reduces the burden of digesting the medicine.


Cannabis infused coconut oils are more than often not made from medical grade cannabis strains and are high in THC. Coconut cannabis oil does not allow for accurate dosing and are inconsistent. MCDSA only endorses medical grade concentrates made from medical cannabis strains in a hygienic lab environment. Cannabis oil made concentrates mixed with MCT for easy absorption allow for accurate dosing, in milligrams.

MCDSA will continue to educate and build a knowledge centre to help patients navigate themselves through the medical cannabis industry. Let us know if we can blog on specific topics which are not found on our site.

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